Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Will you go to prom with me?

Normally, one would expect to get this question between the ages of 16 to 18, and be excited to attend their high school prom! After all it is kind of a rite of passage, isn't it?

Well, I never heard this question in my high school years. I didn't get to go to my prom. However, I did get this question fairly recently. In case you didn't realize, I'm 32 (about to be 33 in a few weeks). I'm sure you are already getting the wrong idea! I do like to date younger guys, but not that young!

Okay, let me give you a little more detail so you don't continue to judge me! Last fall, I went to a bar downtown in San Diego and I was hanging out with some new friends. While I was there, I was introduced to this guy (he was in the bar and drinking, so presumably legal!) He seemed interesting enough and was able to keep my attention and make me laugh. So, when he asked for my phone number, I saw no issues in giving it to him. Now, keep in mind, none of my friends said anything to me about this guy.

A couple of weeks had gone by and I got a call from him. He started the conversation by saying "I wanted to ask you something", to which I replied "sure, what's up?" That is when he popped the question and said "my prom is coming up and I wanted to ask you if you would be my date?"....um, what?! So, then I asked "is this a fraternity thing? like a fraternity prom social thing?" His voice got a little shaky and he was like "um..no, it's my senior prom, I'm in high school"...seriously?? He looked young, but not that young! I was like "what were you doing in a bar drinking?? do you know I'm 32?!" He said "yes, I think it would be so cool to bring someone in their 30's to my prom! You are so experienced!"....how do I even respond to that??

Of course I did the appropriate thing and respectfully declined his invitation. I really don't want to be Drew Barrymore in "Never Been Kissed"....

Random Acts of Debbie asks that you take a moment and comment, good or bad, I welcome it all!

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